What Happens To The Animals Once They Are Caught?
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Hi everyone, Squirt here! I have another update from the scientists to share. the MOCNESS nets are catching a lot of animals and all of the DEEPEND scientists are busy! Once the MOCNESS nets are emptied on the deck of the ship, the scientists really get to work. The animals are first sorted by type. There are so many different kinds!
Then the scientists identify each individual animal. Scientist Tracey identifies the fishes.
Another scientists identifies the crustaceans (shrimps and crawfishes). The scientists take lots of notes about each animal, such as its size, coloration, and if it's healthy or not.
After identifying each animal, the scientists collect a small piece of tissue to later study its DNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Let's sound that one out together: de-ox-y-ri-bo-nu-cle-ic ac-id. You did it! DNA is the instruction for life in each animal. One instruction that DNA give is how each animal looks.
Scientist April then enters all of the notes into the computer. She is responsible for the master copy of all the notes and records. Scientist April also keeps notes about where the animals were caught and at what depth. She answers questions like: How deep were the animals? What temperature is the water? How salty is the water?
After all the information is recorded, some of the animals are frozen. Other animals go on to the photo lab. See our next post on what happens at the photo lab! Isn't it exciting?