GOM Exploration Teacher Workshops 2015



GOM Exploration Teacher Workshops 2016


"Exploring the Gulf of Mexico Teacher Workshop" sponsored by the DEEPEND team happened on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016 at the NSU Oceanographic Center in Dania Beach, Florida.  Sixteen secondary science teachers and the DEEPEND team started early at 8:30am and the teachers had a knowledge-learning packed day full of of background information and practicing activities to bring back to their classrooms. These teachers are invited to become one of our two teachers-at-sea this year aboard the Point Sur for our 2 research cruises exploring the deep waters of the GoM.  Stay tuned to hear who gets selected to join us!



GOM Exploration Teacher Workshops 2017


We had a great turn out of 23 teachers at TAMU Galveston for the third Gulf of Mexico Exploration teacher workshop! Teachers learned about DEEPEND science and brought lesson plans and other resources back to their schools to share with colleagues and their students. Thank you, Texas for a great event!


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Photo Credits:

Danté Fenolio, PhD
Manager of Conservation and Research
San Antonio Zoo

Tamara Frank, PhD
Associate Professor
Nova Southeastern University

Michael Vecchione, PhD
Research Scientist
National Systematics Lab

David Shale, PhD